Friday, June 8, 2012

False Start

Hi Everyone

As many of you know, I am going to spend 3 months in Mongolia, working for an economic think-tank on subjects related to the competitiveness of Mongolia.

I was supposed to leave last Monday, but due to Visa issues I had to postpone my flight. To cut a long story short, to hire a foreign citizen, even for an unpaid summer job, a company in Mongolia has to ask an authorization to the Labor and Welfare Service Agency. I had to provide my diploma and my university grades. Then the Office of Immigration Naturalization and Foreign Citizens deliver the authorization to the Mongolian embassy in France to deliver you a Visa.

One of these processes lasted one more day than foreseen, and I could not get the Visa on time. I could have tried to go anyway, but I wanted to avoid a "The Terminal" scenario.
Besides there are only 2 flights Berlin - Ulaan Bataar every week (with Mongolia Airlines, the company I have chosen to travel there), both were full this week, so I will take-off next Thursday.

I will try to post regularly my observation until September and also some analysis of the social, political and economical situation.
You are more than welcome to comment, react, mention your own experience abroad... Let's try to share informations and to learn from each other!!

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